Olivier Hermann

Olivier Hermann
Olivier Hermann navigates between 2 worlds, the military world as a physical trainer for more than 20 years and in parallel, as a sports coach in the civilian world.
It also accompanies anyone wishing to develop personally and/or improve their interpersonal relationships, whether within the Army as a " Person of Trust " or in civilian life as an ICF Coach (requesting resources through reflection).
A fan of combat sports and extreme experiences, he naturally manages his stress and pushes his limits and has sought to understand these mechanisms in order to best support his coachees.
Passionate about performance and well-being , his coaching is holistic, he aims to combine both the improvement of physical condition, mental and food hygiene .
Olivier trained in TOP (Techniques for Optimizing Potential), Cardiac Coherence , Inner Game and NLP Bandler .
Dare to be yourself:
His adage: “Anything is possible when you know who you are! »
So, are you ready to find out who you are?
Languages spoken fluently


Contact Olivier Hermann
If you need information on the services given by Olivier Hermann in French, please complete the form below. Please write to him in French only.